I grew up in Shipshewana, Indiana in a Christian family and accepted the Lord at five years old. My faith really kicked in during my junior and senior year. My whole goal was to lead a revival at my high school. I successfully let three people to the Lord. I prayed over the pictures of my high school yearbook as It was my custom to pray in the spirit over a half hour a day. My dream was to give a graduation speech about Jesus as I was able to do this successfully and can be viewed on youtube by typing in graduation speech about Jesus.
I moved to Logansport, Indiana in 2000 and attended Bible school. After graduation, I led a Bible study/worship service at a nursing home. I also led another Bible study every week. Over half of these poems came out of the Bible lessons I had. Right now, I am in the process of writing another book of poetry titled, "Experiencing the Word of God through Poetry"